Friday 22 June 2012

Friday Trek Spam: I, Mudd

You guys! You guys! You know how I said that Mirror, Mirror was my favourite episode so far? Well, we already have a new contender! I love this episode so much I want to watch it forever! 

In fact, I may as well shut down the blog right now because I cannot believe that anything can top this for sheer Star Trekness.

This episode maxed out on 60s awesomeness while keeping the 60s awkwardness to a minimum, so everyone was a winner! Except for (SPOILERS!), Harry Mudd but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Set warp speed up to eleven, it's time for Trek Spam.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Reaction Post: I, Mudd

So you know how on Friday, I said I'd be doing I, Mudd tomorrow?


My bad.

But honestly, I, Mudd is the episode that made me want to keep recapping Star Trek.

Friday 15 June 2012

Friday Trek Spam: Mirror Mirror

Today's episode is Mirror Mirror, which is something that I have recapped before if I recall correctly. However it was fairly early on in my recapping career (is career the right word? Would recapping hobby be more accurate? recapping insanity?) so I had not yet discovered my signature style of random pop culture references and swear-words so why the eff not revisit it. Besides this is my favourite episode so far as it is a special sort of ridiculous, but without the 60s uncomfortableness that makes me want to go scrub my soul.

And this marks the first week of my Birthday Countdown so I get to pick whatever I want to review.

So prepare to go through the looking glass, it's time for  -

Thursday 14 June 2012

Friday Trek Spam: Birthday Countdown!

Friday Trek Spam: Birthday Countdown


Bad idea or Worst Idea? 

In about two months time, it will be my birthday. 

Pictured: Me

  Accidents aside, it is very unlikely that my [sarcasm] hard partying [/sarcasm] lifestyle will result in my untimely death.

Pictured: Not me

Yeah yeah, there was a recent... incident... that I have managed to block out entirely, but lets face it, I have one of those about once in two years. This frequency is unlikely to kill me. And what isn't remembered, didn't happen and all that (1).

By the by, I did not have even a tiny hangover after all that so BOOYAH! How do you like those apples? (2)

Seriously though, I literally do not remember anything

In any case, I've decided that after this year is up I will not be recapping any more 60s Star Trek. This means that the only thing to do is to get as many as I can done before I turn 28.

So, the plan is to review the remaining episodes - 42 by my last count - in eight weeks. Which works out to about 5.4 episodes per week. Then once it is all finished I will celebrate my birthday as I always do - shaking and crying and wondering what my life has been reduced to. 

60-ish days. 40-something episodes. Can she do it? (3)

Progress/Links/Footnotes after the jump. 

Friday 27 April 2012

Friday Trek Spam: Special Edition

I've been away for a while because of REASONS that involved, among other things, a few minor existential crises, a week of sitting in a poorly lit waiting room, being caught in the middle of a passive aggressive snark fest and a complex metaphor about onions.

I am not BACK entirely but I am back for this week, only because I offered to write a post as a brithday present for this guy - oh, let's call him Ensign FDM - and let him pick any episode from any Trek series.

I may have been slightly drunk at the time I agreed to do this. 

He picked Deep Space Nine; Series 7, Episode 15 - Bada Bing Bada Bang - which will go well as I have watched about 2 episodes of DS9 in my life and will have no idea who most people are, let alone what's going on.

(Unfortunately there are no pictures because my keyboard stopped working about two minutes into the episod, so I had to write this on my phone. I honestly couldn't be arsed to fuck about finding screen shots and finding out how the Samsung Galaxy S II  photo manipulation works because in any case this was interrupting my very busy schedual of tumblring. )

 Anyhoo, Happy Birthday! Lets do this thing.

Friday 23 December 2011

One I Prepared Earlier: Amok Time

I've been asked if I would upload the older email Spams to this blog. While I don't know if I'll do all of them - most of them suck balls - I figured I could at least start with the Season Two ones. Some, like this one, will only have minor revisions. Others (Who Mourns For Apollo) will have to be completely re-written, so I may not do that one. 

Anyway, get your neuro-paralyser ready as - 

Thursday 8 December 2011

Friday Trek Spam: Catspaw

Today's episode is Catspaw. This is apparently the first and only Halloween themed episode of ToS. Welp! Maybe I should have done this in October then? Oh well, too late. I mean I could save it for next year, but honestly, who knows if I can keep this blog going until next year? (If I do, you guys should totally buy me a pony or something.)

By the by, if you guys know of any Christmas themed episodes, let me know and I may do that one next.

But there are still two weeks to go until Christmas, so for now have some Trek Spam.

I am so tired right now, you don't even know

Thursday 24 November 2011

Friday Trek Spam: The Doomsday Machine

Today’s episode is The Doomsday Machine. I think this episode is actually pretty good - the first time I watched it, I was legit tense.

That being said, I get legit tense while watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; so make of that what you will. You should totally watch that show,by the way. It will change your life; no lie.

But no time for ponies, this is Star Trek country!

Friday 4 November 2011

Friay Trek Spam: The Apple

Today's episode is The Apple and guys, it is made of crack and win! It is the first episode to mark the début of the Friday Trek Spam Drinking Game, so if you want to get really drunk really quickly you should totally play this! 'Cos we all just wanna be big rock stars... or something... *ahem*

Moving On

Sunday 23 October 2011

The Friday Trek Spam Drinking Game

If you know me fairly well this post will not surprise you.

In fact the only thing that will surprise you is how long it took me to suggest one.

 But, as people keep telling me, I have only one year left - actually, only about 10 months now - to become a rock star and die in order to become a legend. Now those people are overlooking the fact that I am in no way musically inclined, and also that I am the most boring person on the planet. My idea of a good time is to watch and recap Star Trek episodes. This is not consistent with a rock star life style.

However, with this drinking game I will be able to achieve in one measly hour what would otherwise take years of hard living and hard drinking to attain. You guys can play along with me and together we can achieve complete liver failure!

 If you can think of any good rules that I have missed, let me know in the comments and I will edit the post!