Friday 23 December 2011

One I Prepared Earlier: Amok Time

I've been asked if I would upload the older email Spams to this blog. While I don't know if I'll do all of them - most of them suck balls - I figured I could at least start with the Season Two ones. Some, like this one, will only have minor revisions. Others (Who Mourns For Apollo) will have to be completely re-written, so I may not do that one. 

Anyway, get your neuro-paralyser ready as - 

Thursday 8 December 2011

Friday Trek Spam: Catspaw

Today's episode is Catspaw. This is apparently the first and only Halloween themed episode of ToS. Welp! Maybe I should have done this in October then? Oh well, too late. I mean I could save it for next year, but honestly, who knows if I can keep this blog going until next year? (If I do, you guys should totally buy me a pony or something.)

By the by, if you guys know of any Christmas themed episodes, let me know and I may do that one next.

But there are still two weeks to go until Christmas, so for now have some Trek Spam.

I am so tired right now, you don't even know