Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Friday Trek Spam Drinking Game

If you know me fairly well this post will not surprise you.

In fact the only thing that will surprise you is how long it took me to suggest one.

 But, as people keep telling me, I have only one year left - actually, only about 10 months now - to become a rock star and die in order to become a legend. Now those people are overlooking the fact that I am in no way musically inclined, and also that I am the most boring person on the planet. My idea of a good time is to watch and recap Star Trek episodes. This is not consistent with a rock star life style.

However, with this drinking game I will be able to achieve in one measly hour what would otherwise take years of hard living and hard drinking to attain. You guys can play along with me and together we can achieve complete liver failure!

 If you can think of any good rules that I have missed, let me know in the comments and I will edit the post!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Friday Trek Spam: The Changeling

So this is the first proper Trek Spam in a long time. I’ve been meaning to do these more often but like my life is hard. [Also I was distracted by ponies! ]

I am like legit exhausted tonight, but because people keep asking when they will see another of these I feel compelled to write one. So this is dedicated to you

Yes, you! You know who you are (even if I don’t.)

I will try to be more regular, but I can’t promise anything. I know that some of you think that it is my job to write these but, unless you are willing to pay me actual money you will just have to deal with my irregularities.

Anyways, on that passive aggressive note, it’s time for today’s episode: The Changeling